A woman holding a child's hands

Custody Evaluation in Florida

Matters about child custody and time-sharing are among the most agitating cases significantly in a Florida divorce. The state has driven measures to balance custody and timesharing of children in a divorce while also getting rid of the dishonor linked with being defined as a non-custodial or merely being a semi-supporting parent. Disagreements between both parties are common in the…

spousal support

Types of Alimony

Divorce is a major life-changer and difficult challenge to face reality, both emotionally and practically. One of which spouse may find herself or himself in a different financial situation than the other. For this reason, alimony may be considered to award to the less financially equipped spouse to level the playing field and give justice…

child support

What To Do When You Can’t Afford Child Support Payments in Cape Coral, Florida

Protecting the child’s best interest always comes first in Florida courts. And while this is a good thing, the system unfortunately still has some limitations. All too often, parents are assigned child support demands that they simply cannot meet. Being unable to make your child support payments is overwhelming, and can impact your whole life and well-being. But there…