spousal support

Types of Alimony

Divorce is a major life-changer and difficult challenge to face reality, both emotionally and practically. One of which spouse may find herself or himself in a different financial situation than the other. For this reason, alimony may be considered to award to the less financially equipped spouse to level the playing field and give justice…

Divorce journal

I Kept a Jоurnаl Dосumеntіng our Turbulent Mаrrіаgе and I Plan tо Fіle Fоr Dіvоrсе. Cоuld it be Uѕеd Against Me?

A kept journal is beneficial during the petition of divorce proceedings. Divorce is a tedious process involving perplexing proceedings especially if the petition incorporates an adversarial dispute. If marriage no longer works, most Americans resort to the filing of a Petition for Divorce. This proceeding adversely affects not only the bond of the marriage but…

Dating While Going Through a Divorce

Can I Date Other People While Going Through A Divorce? Will This Impact Custody For My Children?

Dating in the midst of a divorce may impact your ability to spend time with your children. Florida Law does not prohibit dating during an on-going Petition for Divorce. However, dating may aggravate and may eventually impact one’s ability to obtain time-share with children. Dating may result in additional felonies including adultery and other similar…


Can I Sell My Business During A Divorce?

Total income, belongings, and debts obtained within the marriage are generally marital belongings. Properties acquired individually prior to the marriage are considered  separate property and should not be burdened with the equitable distribution. Properties in Florida are subjected to be divided equally during a divorce. As a matter of fact, even debts and other assets…